Silence & Solitude Guided Retreat
April 24
8:00 am
Saint Andrews Abbey
$120/person (Cost includes single room occupancy and 3 meals)
Something special happens when we are willing to create space in our lives for a time of silence and solitude, especially at a sacred location where we can experience that God is always revealing himself to us.
This is a guided retreat which means that direction is offered to help maximize each person’s experience. Additionally, several optional opportunities are available to join the monks for worship and mealtimes or the entire experience may be enjoyed in complete solitude.
This overnight retreat will take place April 24-25 on the beautiful grounds of Saint Andrews Abbey in Valyermo (http://www.saintandrewsabbey.com), which is a Benedictine monastery approximately 97 miles from Newsong. Single occupancy is provided and room accommodations are simple, clean and nicely appointed. Three hearty meals at the monastery are included in the cost of registration.
Registration is limited to 15 people who participate as a part of the Newsong Community.
Questions? Please email ed.salas@newsong.net.
Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice!
Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
When You said, “Seek My face,”
My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”
(Psalm 27:8)