Newsong Internship Program
At Newsong we’re all about helping people to discover their original design and help to release them into their God-given destiny.
Download the application

We are convinced that every person has been given a purpose and the ability to make a significant impact with their lives both in the marketplace and in the context of non-profits and local church environments. Time and again we have experienced first-hand and witnessed in others how God is able to redeem the brokenness of our lives and our pain and then invites us to partner with him in the journey of a lifetime.
In the Newsong Internship Program we pair each intern with a staff leader/pastor with the desired outcomes of learning by doing, receiving feedback, being entrusted with leadership opportunities, and cultivating authentic community in the context serving together in team. Upon completion of Newsong’s one year internship program, our aim is that the intern will have gained much practical experience and personal development that will serve them well in the marketplace, a non-profit organization or in the local church.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the requirements to be an intern?
- A thriving love relationship with Jesus
- A servant’s heart
- A teachable spirit
- A hunger to develop in each area of your life
- Alignment with the vision, mission, and culture of Newsong
- A commitment to the principles of mutual submission and mutual accountability
- A personal lifestyle that honors Christ (see Newsong Internship Handbook)
- The flexibility to participate in ministry-related activity 20 hours per week
Who should consider the internship program?
The ideal candidate for the Newsong internship program will have the desire and ability to dedicate a full year toward the discovery of their original design, passions, gifts, and talents in the context of the local church and surrounding community.
What is the time commitment?
The schedule varies depending on the needs of each department, but the overall commitment is 20 hours per week. Certain seasons around major events/holidays will require a higher level of involvement from each Newsong staff and intern member. These will be clearly communicated ahead of time.
When does the internship program begin?
The internship program begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st.
Is there a fee for the Newsong internship program?
There is no cost to be part of the Newsong internship. We just ask however that each candidate have adequate financial resources available to be able to fully commit their time and energy during this important year.
Where can I be involved?
A listing of available internships is given below. Our hope is that there will be alignment in one of our departments and staff leaders with your gifts, passions, and desire to gain practical experience and to grow developmentally and spiritually. For that reason, there are internships across each department at Newsong.
May I have outside employment or attend school while interning at Newsong?
Absolutely as long as you have the necessary flexibility to fulfill the requirements of the internship program which includes:
- Attendance at weekly staff gatherings and developmental opportunities
- Participation at team meetings and events
- Weekend responsibilities and worship service attendance
- Participation in a Haven
Is housing provided?
No, Newsong does not provide housing.
Will I be offered a paid role at Newsong after the internship program?
There have been some instances of employment for interns at the completion of the program, however, Newsongdoes not guarantee employment.
How do I apply?
Download the application, complete it, and return it to Ed Salas at: no later than August 7, 2022. An interview(s) will be scheduled upon receipt of your application.
Available Internships
Executive Leadership Team, Rehana Rodriguez
Be part of what’s behind-the-scenes team that “makes Newsong happen!” This internship is for the person who leans towards administrative duties and will work closely with the Executive Leadership Team.
Leadership and Community Development, Liz Duckworth
Gain an understanding of the nuts and bolts of leadership development and the processes involved in building deeply authentic community as we care for the people who are a part of the Newsong community. Help to cultivate welcoming spaces for those who are new and seeking to get more connected.
Spiritual Formation, Ed Salas
Spiritual formation is the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself. If you are in the process of discerning your call to vocational ministry, consider being a part of the Spiritual Formation Team.
Newsong Youth, Jason Park
The goal of the Newsong Youth Internship is to train and equip individuals in an environment of excellence, passion, and vision, who feel called to become leaders and administrators of middle school and high school students. One to two-year internships are available.
Newsong Kids, Charlene Linsangan
At Newsong Kids, we passionately believe in a God who can be experienced through play, friendships, prayer, worship, stories, & games! If you’re desiring to encounter God by tapping into your inner child that sees Him with eyes of wonder, this internship is for you! You’ll walk in desiring to influence children, but you’ll quickly discover your personal transformation as our children lead us to the heart of the Father.
Media / Productions / Tech, Cesar Ramirez
God is creative, and our creativity reflects His image. Learn what it takes to serve behind the scenes in a modern, innovative church environment, at a time where worship and tech/productions can be one of the many vital kingdom platforms.
Local and Global Initiatives, Maribel Toan
Church is not just Sunday morning – it’s the community transformation that happens when service ends. Join our Local and Global Initiatives team and help us make an impact in our community and around the world! Learn community development, advocacy work, building networks locally and globally. Experience the behind-the-scenes fun planning our initiatives like The Mix Academy, Kings Table, Food Love Friday, and RECESS.